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To Start a Good Habit, Visit Your Dentists in Superior

December 15, 2015

dentist superiorYou know the steps for maintaining healthy teeth. Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your dentist every six months. But if you’re like most adults, you ignore the latter, believing it to be something only the most organized, on-top-of-it people do. A checkup every six months can’t be that necessary, can it? Well, we feel it’s our duty to tell you this: twice annual visits to the dentist in Superior are absolutely vital for good oral health. And it’s not just your teeth that benefit from these checkups — they promote good overall health, too. Keep reading to learn more, then schedule your appointment with Hill Avenue Dental today!

4 Reasons To Make a Habit of Twice Annual Dental Checkups

The reasons for visiting your dentist twice a year are endless. Here we’ll name the top four.

#4: When caught early, gum disease is easily reversed

Did you know that about 75 percent of Americans suffer from gum disease? Or that the condition can lead to really serious problems, including tooth loss, gum degeneration and even heart disease? The good news is this: when caught early, gum disease is easy to treat. Give your Hill Avenue Dentists the chance to catch gum disease, or periodontitis, before it becomes a real problem.

#3: We can check for oral cancer, too

In addition to watching out for the warning signs of gum disease, your Hill Avenue dentists can also perform oral cancer exams. It’s a highly serious disease, and unfortunately it often goes undiagnosed due to simple neglect of regular dental checkups.

#2: Worn dental work gets repaired

That dental crown you received a decade ago may be little more than a fuzzy memory, but don’t worry — we’re keeping our eye on it. Dental hardware can wear down over time, causing the tooth to break even further or opening it up to more decay. When we recognize that something’s off with existing dental hardware, we can perform a quick repair to save you time and discomfort.

#1: Our number one priority is preventing tooth decay

Most adults will experience some form of tooth decay throughout their lives. When it happens to you, your twice annual dental checkups allow us to catch it early — to prevent you from a lot of future discomfort and worry.

You can help us stop problems before they start, and fix them early when they do. Has it been awhile since your last visit to Hill Avenue Dental? If so, contact us to schedule your appointment today. We’re here to help all our Superior neighbors maintain healthy, beautiful smiles for a lifetime. Click here to let us know you need your six month checkup today!

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