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Same Day Crowns in Superior, WI

May 12, 2016

Filed under: CEREC — Tags: , , , — dr_clark @ 4:43 pm

Same Day crownsLife is busy. Sometimes too busy. You and your family are on the go from morning till night. School, work, shopping, cooking, laundry, carpool, homework, dishes, meetings—and the list goes on and on. And now your dentist in Superior, WI, says you need a dental crown. Who has time for that? You do, because the dentists at Hill Avenue Dental can prep, design and place same day crowns with CEREC.

What is CEREC?

CEREC is a technologically advanced system that allows us to fabricate crowns right here in our office. So, the days of having to schedule at least two appointments two weeks apart for a single crown are gone! Now, your busy schedule will be minimally disrupted when you need a crown.

How does CEREC work?

CEREC, or Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics, is comprised of three main parts: an intraoral digital camera, a computer system with 3D CAD software, and a milling unit that uses CAM technology to carve your same day crown. Together, these replace the molded impression and the work of a dental lab that used to be necessary to manufacture a tooth restoration.

The Steps for CEREC in Superior, WI

Once Dr. Clark or Dr. Clark determines that a same day crown is the right treatment option for you, then you are just a few hours away from a completed procedure. The process does begin similarly to when you have a standard dental crown. Your tooth and the surrounding tissue will be numbed, so you don’t feel any discomfort or pain while the dentist prepares the tooth. In order for your new crown to fit well, the overall size of the tooth must be slightly reduced. If there is any decay, that will be removed at this time, as well.

Now the fun begins! With the CEREC camera, we capture a clear image of your tooth. This is entered into the computer where CEREC’s 3D CAD software designs your dental crown. The design includes not only the exact size and shape of your tooth—every pit and fissure is planned—but also the precise color to match your other teeth.

This intricate design is transferred to the milling unit where your tooth restoration is carved from a single block of porcelain. Manufacture takes only 15 or 20 minutes and then your crown is ready for placement.

The dentist will check to make sure the fit is perfect and then cement your same day crown on top of the prepared tooth.

Learn More about Same Day Crowns in Superior, WI

For more information about CEREC, or to schedule an appointment for a same day crown, contact Hill Avenue Dental.

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