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Tooth-Colored Fillings for a Beautiful, Healthy Smile from Hill Avenue Dental

May 5, 2014

Your smile says so much about you, conveying a wide range of emotions and attributes in a mere instant. If your smile is marred by dark metal fillings, however, you may feel less than eager to show it off to the world and to those who matter most. At Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. and Dr. Doug Clark, III offer a comprehensive array of restorative dentistry services that are as cosmetically attractive as they are effective. This includes the placement of tooth-colored fillings.
Superior Form and Function: Metal-Free Fillings

Dental fillings are the most common restoration today, repairing teeth that have been affected by tooth decay or injury. Previously, many fillings were made of an amalgam that contained silver, mercury, and other metals. While these restorations certainly served their primary purpose well enough, there came a time when both patients and doctors began to recognize some drawbacks. For one, metal fillings can actually change in size due to changes in temperature. This can lead to microscopic fractures in the tooth’s enamel, a problem that can become more serious over time.
Though research has yet to definitively prove that the mercury content in amalgam fillings is harmful, many health-conscious patients choose metal-free fillings anyway just to remove the possibility of potential side effects. Our composite resin fillings are color-matched to look completely natural, blending in with the shade of your smile seamlessly.
Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether you currently have metal fillings and you’d like to replace them with resin restorations or you are currently in need of a new filling, the team at Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI is here to help. Contact our officetoday to schedule your appointment or just to learn more about our comprehensive array of restorative dentistry services. Our family-friendly dental practice happily welcomes patients from throughout the Superior area, as well as nearby communities in Douglas County, Duluth, Northeastern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin, and beyond.