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Sports Mouthguards Superior, WI, Wears for Safety

July 21, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-532701925Think of all the steps you take to keep your family safe. Car seats, boosters and seatbelts for everyone in the car? Check. A working smoke detector in every room of your house? Check. Vaccinations up-to-date? Check. Mouthguards for all of the sports enthusiasts in your family? Uh-oh. A mouthguard is critical to protecting your teeth, gums, lips and tongues during any kind of athletic activity, including both contact and non-contact sports. Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III, the dentists at Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, can fabricate a customize sports mouthguard for you and all of the members of your family who are actively involved in athletics.

Sports injuries are responsible for more than five million lost teeth every year, and the American Dental Association states that one-third of all dental injuries are sports related. Wearing a mouthguard, however, can prevent more than 200,000 mouth injuries every year. Besides a knocked out tooth, other types of dental injuries that may occur as a result of not using a mouthguard include:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Fractured crowns or bridgework
  • Cheek and lip injuries
  • Root damage to your teeth
  • Fractured jaws

In addition to these oral injuries, mouthguards may also reduce the risk and severity of a concussion that can happen as a result of a hard blow to the head, face or jaw. A study of high school athletes showed that 56 percent of all concussions were suffered when mouthguards were not worn. But when you wear a mouthguard, you’re wearing a shock absorber between your upper and lower jaw to help prevent concussions as well as neck injuries, too.

Mouthguards Superior Can Count on for a Psychological Edge

When you’re playing to win, you want every psychological advantage you can get. Research shows that if you’re wearing proper protection, including a custom mouthguard, then you play more confidently and aggressively. Furthermore, wearing a mouthguard offers a tremendous economic advantage: replacing a tooth lost because of a sports injury can cost 20 times more than the cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Call Our Office Today

If you or anyone in your family needs a customized mouthguard before heading out to play, practice or compete, then call Hill Avenue Dental.  We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Mouthguards for Athletes and Others in Superior, WI

April 25, 2015

77295850Every sport has its uniform essentials. Football players wear helmets and shoulder pads. In hockey—a Wisconsin favorite—players also wear heavy padding as well as a helmet and in the case of the goalie, a face mask, too. Tennis stars wear tennis whites. The list goes on and on. But there is one piece of equipment that every player should wear regardless of the sport and regardless of whether they play professional or amateur. A mouthguard is essential for protecting your teeth, gums, lips and tongue during any kind of athletic activity. At Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will prescribe a custom-fitted mouthguard for you or any member of your family who is actively involved in sports.

Every year, more than five million teeth are lost because of sports injuries. With a mouthguard, you can prevent one of those teeth from being yours. But avoiding tooth loss is only the beginning of the advantages that wearing a mouthguard offers. The risk of other serious injuries—such as lacerations to the tongue, lips and gums—are greatly reduced. Moreover, wearing a mouthguard has been shown to reduce the risk of concussion that might otherwise result from a hard blow to the head, face or jaw. Essentially, a mouthguard acts like a shock absorber between your upper and lower jaw, thereby helping to not only prevent concussions, but neck injuries, too.

Mouthguards: The Psychological and Economic Benefits

When playing competitive sports, athletes want every psychological advantage they can get. Research indicates that when they are wearing proper protection, including a mouthguard, they feel more confident and are likely to play more aggressively. Furthermore, wearing a mouthguard offers a tremendous economic advantage; replacing a tooth lost due to a sports injury can cost 20 times more than the cost of a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Call Our Office Today

No matter what your sport is, call Hill Avenue Dental to schedule your appointment for a custom-fitted mouthguard. We serve patients in Superior, WI, as well as from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Custom Athletic Mouthguards in Superior, WI: Protecting Your Child’s Smile

September 9, 2014

You do everything you can to protect your children from harm, especially when they’re involved in sports and other recreational activities. You buy helmets, pads, and other high-performance equipment, but what about protecting your little one’s teeth? At Hill Avenue Dental, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. and Dr. H. Douglas Clark, III offer an extensive selection of preventive dentistry services to the members of our Superior, WI community and the surrounding areas, including custom athletic mouthguards.

Why Choose a Custom Athletic Mouthguard?

While it is true that athletic mouthguards of all varieties can be found on the shelves of your nearest sporting goods store, these generic appliances simply cannot provide the level of protection your child needs out on the playing field. According to the National Youth Sports Foundation for the Prevention of Athletic Injuries, injuries to the teeth and mouth are the most common type of orofacial damage experienced by children who play sports.

Fortunately, there is a way to mitigate these statistics. The American Dental Association (ADA) estimates that more than 200,000 orofacial injuries are prevented each year with custom athletic mouthguards. These comfortable, durable oral appliances have been proven effective in the prevention of numerous common injuries, including avulsed (knocked out) teeth, soft tissue injuries, lacerations to the gums, broken jaws, and even concussions. Our doctors are sincerely concerned with your child’s oral health and comfort, and our wide range of preventive dentistry solutions is designed with those factors in mind. Ask us today about how custom athletic mouthguards can help keep your son or daughter safe during gameplay.

Shield Your Smile with Custom Athletic Mouthguards

Whether your children play football, soccer, baseball, basketball, or enjoy martial arts, give their smiles advanced protection from injury with custom athletic mouthguards from Hill Avenue Dental. Our team genuinely looks forward to providing you and your family with exceptional preventive dentistry services, ensuring a lifetime of happy, healthy smiles. Contact our officein Superior, WI today to schedule your visit, and see what a difference our warm, welcoming environment and cutting-edge technology can make in your next dental experience. Our practice proudly serves families from throughout Superior, Duluth, Northeastern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin, Douglas County, and beyond.

Protect Your Smile From Serious Damage with Mouth Guards from Hill Avenue Dental

January 28, 2014

When you’re playing a sport – whether it be football, basketball, baseball or hockey – your mind is on your game and your focus is on your competition. With victory weighing heavily on your mind, how much thought do you put into keeping your teeth safe from injury? At Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, Drs. Clark and Clark want to give you the best possible advantage out on the field, on the court, in the rink and anywhere else you enjoy recreational activities with athletic mouth guards.
The Benefits of Using a Mouth Guard
When you engage in any type of physical activity with others, the opportunity for accidental injury becomes more common. A wrong step, an error in technique or even an intentional shove can quickly lead to a forceful blow to the mouth or jaw. The soft tissues of the tongue, lips and gums can be seriously injured in an instant, whether by the force of the opposing object or the teeth in your own mouth. Mouth guards allow athletes to continue playing the sports that they love without the worry of a knocked out tooth, lacerated tongue or deeply cut gums.
Many athletes avoid mouth guardsbecause they think such a device will feel uncomfortable or somehow impede their performance. On the contrary, athletic mouth guards from Hill Avenue Dental are made of only the highest quality materials and are custom-fitted to your teeth and palate. This means that you’ll always be comfortable even as you’re defending your teeth and gums from serious injury.

If you or your child plays a sport that involves regular contact with other players or objects, contact us today to find out how we can help you get the protection you need with custom athletic mouth guards. At our Superior, WIoffice, Drs. Clark and Clark proudly serve patients from Douglas County, Duluth, Northeastern Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin and beyond.