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Make Hill Avenue Dental Your Cosmetic Dentist for the Smile of Your Dreams

January 10, 2015

100047604The New Year has recently begun, so it’s not too late to make one more resolution: Smile more. If the smile you have is not the smile you want, however, then you’ll need to do something about that. Fortunately, there are a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures to help. And Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, is the cosmetic dentist more people in the area turn to give them the smiles they want.

Teeth Whitening

Perhaps you’d like your smile to be a bit whiter and brighter. Then, Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. or Dr. Doug Clark III will likely recommend whitening with Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite. Both of these products can whiten your teeth at home in as few as seven days, and they offer enamel protection as they reduce tooth sensitivity.

Natural Colored Fillings

If you have dark, metal fillings, then we can replace those with fillings made of porcelain or composite resin. These types of fillings not only match the color of your teeth, they tend to be stronger than amalgam fillings and don’t contain any metal, which can be a health hazard.

Cosmetic Bonding

A favorite procedure of the patient and cosmetic dentist alike is cosmetic bonding. If you have teeth that are chipped or slightly cracked, then our dentists can use cosmetic bonding to make them look like new. With cosmetic bonding, a composite resin material is applied to the marred tooth and then hardened with a curing light. Dr. Clark or Dr. Clark will then trim and shape the material so that it blends seamlessly with your other teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are designed to conceal chipped, cracked, stained or somewhat crooked teeth. These dental wonders are composed of layer upon ultra-thin layer of dental porcelain or composite resin and are cemented to the front of your teeth to create a beautiful new smile. Of course, your veneers are color matched to your other teeth, and they are lustrous and reflect light much the same as natural teeth.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re ready to show the world a new smile, then call the office of Hill Avenue Dental in Superior, WI, today. We also conveniently serve patients from Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.

Restore Your Smile in 2015 with New Dental Implants from Dr. Clark in Superior, WI

December 24, 2014

122407402Are you facing a tooth replacement decision? With the many choices available for modern tooth restoration, deciding which method will work best for you can be confusing. However, many patients have found that their concerns are addressed, and their expectations are exceeded when they decide to replace their teeth with dental implants. Dental implants are fast becoming the most popular choice for patients seeking to escape the encumbrances of ill fitting dentures or untreated tooth loss. To discover how dental implants could improve your quality of life, make an appointment with Dr. Clark today for a personalized dental implants consultation. Hill Avenue Dental is the leading local destination for dental implants procedures. Dr. Clark renews smiles daily throughout Superior, WI, Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin, Northeastern Minnesota, and the surrounding communities.

What Happens During a Dental Implants Procedure?

  • First, a detailed evaluation and treatment plan is prescribed by Dr. Clark.
  • Next your implant(s) will be placed gently below your gum line in a single visit.
  • The implants will need time to heal and fuse with your jaw bone (usually for 3 to 6 months). During this time, you will need to wear a modified or  temporary denture or dental bridge
  • After your implant has fully healed, a small metal post (abutment) will be attached. This segment will be used to secure your denture or dental crown to the implant.
  • Finally, your new replacement teeth can be crafted and fitted. Total treatment time for most dental implants is typically between 5 and 8 months.

What Are The Advantages of Dental Implants Placement?

Dental implants are versatile. They can be used to replace an entire lower or upper denture, a partial denture, fixed bridgework, or a single missing tooth. Dental implants anchor your tooth replacement, eliminating embarrassing and uncomfortable slippage and shifting. They actually replace your missing tooth’s root, so they preserve your remaining jawbone density, to prevent premature aging. They can be cared for just as if they were your natural teeth, they never decay, and they can last a lifetime with proper oral maintenance. Implants can enhance overall oral functioning and fully restore the feeling of natural teeth.

Superior Dental Implants Appointments

If a patient is well enough to undergo fixed bridgework or routine oral surgery, they should be eligible to undergo a dental implants procedure. However, the density and location of available bone is usually the major determinant of a good implant candidate. Make your dental implants appointment with Dr. Clark today. Hill Avenue Dental performs expert dental implants procedures daily for patients throughout Superior, WI, Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin, Northeastern Minnesota, and nearby areas.

Enjoy Faster Dental Appointments with CEREC One Visit Crowns

December 23, 2014

177510812Sometimes, it’s hard to make time for the dental care you need. Dr. Clark understands this. That’s why Hill Avenue Dental now offers complete tooth restorations in just one short office visit using CEREC CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) equipment. CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is an innovative dental technology that enables Dr. Clark to design, fabricate, and fit a new custom dental crown or veneer faster than ever before. This procedure would normally take at least two office visits over several weeks to complete. With CEREC one visit crowns from Hill Avenue Dental, you can fully restore a damaged tooth; and be in and out and on with your day. Schedule your CEREC one visit crowns appointment with Dr. Clark today. Hill Avenue Dental proudly restores smile daily throughout Superior, WI, Duluth, Douglas County, and the surrounding Northern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota communities.

How Are CEREC One Visit Crowns Made?

First, Dr. Clark will prepare your tooth for fitting. But instead of using a messy dental putty mold, he will take a digital impression of your tooth. This imaging is then converted into a 3D computerized model, which is used to guide the design of your new restoration. This information is sent to an in-house milling machine, which then fabricates your new tooth out of a high-quality ceramic block. The milling process can take under an hour. Once your new crown is milled, Dr. Clark may stain it to match your surrounding teeth, and polish and glaze it, before cementing it into place over your prepared tooth.

Why Choose CEREC One Visit Crowns?

  • With CEREC one visit crowns, you will only need to take one day away from work to have the procedure completed; instead of several days for several visits. Having fewer appointments can also reduce the expense of your procedure.
  • Because the entire procedure can be carried out within an hour, you will only need one set of anesthetic injections.
  • Because CEREC crowns are designed and fabricated in house, you have more control over the outcome of your treatment.
  • You won’t have to wear a temporary crown while waiting for your new restoration.

Superior CEREC One Visit Crowns Appointments

Hill Avenue Dental can save you time and money with new CEREC one visit crowns. Make an appointment with Dr. Clark today for the efficient, quality dental treatment you deserve. Hill Avenue dental delivers patient centered care daily throughout Superior, WI, Duluth, Douglas County, Northern Wisconsin, Northeastern Minnesota, and nearby areas.

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