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Mouthguards for Children: Which One is the Best?

July 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 6:42 pm

Female holding mouthguard with boxing glovesDental injuries are common for children, and if you have a little one at home, this should come as no surprise. Kids are rambunctious—they love running around, playing, participating in sports and physical activity. Even if your son or daughter doesn’t participate in “contact sports,” they can still be at risk of chipped, broken, or lost teeth. That’s why its important that you get a mouthguard for your child. However, not all mouthguards are created equal. Read on to learn about the benefits of getting a custom-made mouthguard from your dentist over store-bought products.

Are Over the Counter Mouthguards Successful?

Because store-bought mouthguards are mass produced, they can be thinner and easier to wear through. Additionally, some are made to be customized, which automatically must be slimmer in order to accommodate a variety of smile types. Many products are “boil and bite,” which is a process where you heat the mouthguard, so the plastic is soft and pliable. Then, your child can bite down to mold it to their smile. From there, adjustments can be made with scissors or a razor blade. These types of mouthguards are somewhat effective, but they may not even last your child through a whole season.

The Benefits of Custom-Made Mouthguards

While any mouthguard is better than none at all, a custom-made oral appliance from your dentist in Superior comes with unique benefits that you won’t be able to get anywhere else. To begin with, professional mouthguards are personalized and designed with high quality materials. Custom-made mouthguards are created with thermoplastic, which is much stronger than anything you’ll find in-store. While professional oral appliances tend to me more expensive, they could actually save you money by needing fewer replacements in the future.

Additionally, your dentist will take special molds and impressions of your child’s smile, which is used for the fabrication of their mouthguard. This leads to a more comfortable wearing experience, but also more effective protection against trauma and concussion.

Which One is Right for Your Loved One?

Your dentist will always prefer that your child wear their custom mouthguard over anything bought in store because it is designed specifically to protect their smile. While store-bought products can be a quick solution if you’re in a bind, it’s always best to see a professional. Your dentist will carefully examine your child’s smile before recommending the best solution for them. Plus, it’s always nice to let an expert take care of your loved ones instead of randomly selecting a product from your local sports or drug store.

Are you ready to give your child the gift of protection? Contact your dentist to get started on a completely personalized mouthguard for your little one!

About the Practice

Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. and Dr. H. Douglas Clark III are a father and son team of dentists who offer all the services you and your family need to smile, including mouthguards for sports and physical activities. If you have any questions, they can be reached through their website or by phone at (715) 392-5161.



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