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When Should I Seek Out Emergency Dental Treatment During COVID-19?

April 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 6:47 pm

worried person talking on the phone with their dentist about a dental emergencyDental emergencies are stressful enough to deal with, even without the uncertainty of having your issue treating during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to protect their staff and patients, many dentists are solely providing dental emergency treatments and postponing all elective treatments, including cosmetic and preventive procedures. So, how can you tell if the situation on your hands truly requires urgent care? Read on to find out.

Are Dentists Open During the COVID-19 Crisis?

In March, the American Dental Association released an official statement in response to the COVID-19 crisis recommending that all dentists switch over to only serving emergency patients. This decision was in an effort to ease the burden on already overwhelmed emergency rooms and help flatten the curve by preventing patients from entering highly trafficked facilities like hospitals.

By postponing all elective procedures, emergency dentists are able to quickly and effectively provide care for patients experiencing pain and who require urgent treatment. Even though self-isolation and stay-at-home orders have largely kept people from leaving their homes, dental emergencies can still happen, which is why it’s important to know where your local emergency dentist is located, just in case.

When Should You Seek Emergency Dental Care?

Many patients worry about breaking their self-isolation or making a big deal out of a small problem by seeking out emergency dental care during the COVID-19 epidemic. However, waiting too long before addressing oral health emergencies can easily result in permanent damage or additional pain. Here are some ways you can tell that you require timely dental care:

  • You’re experiencing oral pain or out-of-the-ordinary symptoms.
  • A permanent tooth has been knocked-out or has fallen out.
  • A severe toothache that won’t go away.
  • A broken or damaged tooth.
  • Restoration repairs that improves their function.
  • Dental treatment required before critical medical procedures can be completed.

If you have questions about whether or not you should seek out emergency care from your dentist during the COVID-19 crisis, you can always contact their office directly and fill them in on what symptoms you’re experiencing. They can assess the situation and let you know whether you require immediate care.

Should You Visit the ER For Dental Emergencies?

Currently, hospitals and emergency rooms are overwhelmed with potential positive COVID-19 patients, which is why dentists are remaining open to provide emergency oral care. Also, this allows patients who are otherwise healthy to seek out care in a sterile and not-so-busy environment. Not to mention, if you visit an ER for dental care, you’ll likely need to wait for several hours before you’re seen.

If you have any questions or concerns about visiting an emergency dentist during these uncertain times, the best place to get them answered is by your local dentist’s office. They’ll be able to steer you in the best direction for your oral health.

About the Author

Dr. Doug Clark, Jr. has over 30 years of experience providing his patients with high-quality emergency dental care. Over the decades, he has solved a variety of complex and urgent situations. In accordance with Wisconsin’s “Safer at Home” order, Hill Avenue Dental will only be scheduling emergency appointments for patients in need. To plan a visit, you can visit our website or call the office at 715-392-5161 between Monday and Thursday from 9am to 12pm.

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