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Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

January 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_clark @ 6:13 pm

Woman with gum disease touches her jawGum disease is an incredibly common oral health condition. In fact, studies estimate that well over half of the American population has some level of this disease. This widespread problem can be difficult to detect when it first develops, but it can lead to tooth loss and poor overall health if left untreated! Thankfully, gum disease can be reversed if caught early enough. However, waiting too long to take care of your gums could result in permanent damage. Read on to learn more about which stages of gum disease can be “cured” and what you need to do to keep your smile healthy.

Symptoms & Treatments of Gingivitis

Gum disease is typically the result of poor oral hygiene. When plaque and bacteria accumulate in the mouth, they can cause a bacterial infection in the gum tissue known as gingivitis. Many people don’t realize they have gingivitis because the symptoms it causes can be easily overlooked, including:

  • Chronic bad breath
  • Puffy, bright red, and inflamed gums.
  • Gums that bleed easily, especially when flossing or brushing.

At this point, the gum disease can be reversed. Sometimes, your dentist may simply recommend better at-home oral hygiene or specialized dental products. For extra support, they may recommend a deep cleaning or more frequent cleanings to ensure the bacteria is entirely cleared out and the infection is eliminated. Gingivitis is the only stage of gum disease that can be “cured,” which is why its essential that its caught and treated early.

Identifying & Managing Periodontitis

If gingivitis is left untreated, the infection can advance into mild, moderate, then severe periodontitis. These advanced stages of gum disease indicate that the dangerous bacteria have begun to attack the jawbone and other important tissues, which causes permanent damage. Warning signs of periodontitis include:

  • Teeth that look longer, receding gums, and deep pockets in the gums in front of the teeth.
  • Soreness, swelling, sensitivity, and discharge from the gum tissue.
  • Shifting, loose teeth that may end up falling out.

Periodontitis destroys the supportive tissues that help hold your teeth in place, which is how it’s become the leading cause of tooth loss in the US. In fact, researchers believe that the bacteria and inflammation from untreated periodontitis can spread to other parts of the body, dramatically boosting a patient’s risk of severe health conditions like memory loss and heart disease.

While periodontitis cannot be “cured,” there are treatments that can help manage this stage of gum disease. Your dentist may perform scaling and root planning to clear away the infected tissues and encourage your gums to reattach to the teeth. You may need to see a gum specialist, who may recommend treatments like antibiotic therapy or gum grafting.

Can Gum Disease Be Prevented?

The best way to protect your smile from gum disease is to prevent it! Keep your gums healthy by:

  • Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash daily.
  • Cutting back on your sugar intake and eating plenty of healthy foods containing vitamin C.
  • Visiting your dentist twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings.

If you’re concerned about the health of your gums, you should see your dentist right away. With early detection and effective periodontal therapy, they can help you keep your smile happy, healthy, and intact for many years to come!

About the Practice

Hill Avenue Dental is committed to helping the smiles of Superior and the surrounding communities achieve and maintain optimal oral health for life. They aim to help their patients prevent issues like tooth decay and gum disease from developing with excellent preventive care and biannual dental checkups. However, should you develop gum disease, they can offer periodontal therapy to help restore your healthy gum tissue. To learn more about gum disease, they can be contacted via their website or at (715) 392-5161.

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