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Importance of Semi-Annual Appointments with Your Dentist in Superior, WI

December 1, 2016

Filed under: family dentist in Superior — dr_clark @ 8:17 pm

Your dentist in Superior, WI for preventive care.Regular appointments to your dentist in Superior, WI are vital for maintaining the health and appearance of your teeth. Despite the American Dental Association recommending that everyone over the age of two visits the dentist twice a year, too many people fail to do so.  Often, people underestimate the vitalness of preventive care or fear the cost of care. As a result, 34 percent of people did not visit the dentist last year. In addition, only one in five children see a dentist annually. Everyone needs to have a dental cleaning and checkup every six months to protect their oral health. With your dental benefits, you will receive the care you need for little to no out-of-pocket cost.

Why Is Visiting the Dentist Important?

We all know that brushing and flossing are important to maintaining oral health, but many do not understand that regular dental appointments are equally as important. Brushing and flossing are only half of the preventive care your family needs for healthy teeth and gums. While brushing and flossing are effective, they will not fully remove plaque and tarter accumulations, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. The only way to remove these accumulations is with a professional cleaning from your dentist twice a year.

In addition to a professional cleaning, you also need a dental checkup every six months. A dental checkup allows us to access and monitor the health of the teeth and gums. By doing so, we can detect potential problems early on, allowing us to provide the appropriate intervention to prevent dental problems. Dental checkups also allow us to detect damage that needs treated early, reducing the need for costly or invasive procedures in the future. In addition, we provide preventive treatments, like dental sealants, to stop damage before it starts.

With your dental benefits, you will pay little to nothing out-of-pocket for these appointments. We will help you maximize your dental allowance to ensure your care stays within your budget.

How Can I Promote My Family’s Oral Health?

Home oral hygiene habits will set the foundation to a lifelong commitment to oral health. By setting the example and encouraging oral health early on, you can help to promote generations of healthy smiles for your family.

  • Brush Twice a Day: As soon as the first tooth erupts, the teeth need to be brushed twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss Daily: Flossing needs to be done daily to remove food particles from in between the teeth while removing plaque accumulations from the gum line.
  • Prevent Cavities: Limit your family’s consumption of sugary and starchy foods and drinks, which are known to cause tooth decay.
  • Visit the Dentist Twice a Year: Everyone in your family over the age of two needs to visit the dentist twice a year for preventive care.

Your Dentist for Healthy Smiles

At Hill Avenue Dental, we treat patients of all ages. We work to create generations of healthy, beautiful smiles. Contact us today to schedule your family’s preventive appointments.

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